Working in the Summer Heat

Dear Group Members,

With the summer heat wave we are now experiencing we thought it would be helpful to remind you of the precautions that need to be taken to work safely in hot weather.


Attached are safety alerts that can help your employees stay safe (English and Spanish).


Thank you,


Safety Department of Lovell Safety Management Co., LLC


NYS HERO Act Compliance Dates Postponed

Dear Group Member,

Last week we sent out a summary of recent Covid-19 legislative updates (See attached Safety Alert).  An update from NYS has just been issued postponing the compliance dates for the NY Health and Essential Rights Act (HERO Act).
The HERO Act amends the New York Labor Law (NYLL) in relation to preventing occupational exposure to an airborne infectious disease.

NYS now has until July 5, 2021 to publish their model “Airborne Infectious Disease Exposure Prevention Standards.” Once these industry-specific standards are issued, employers will have 30 days to implement their own infectious disease exposure prevention plan.

If you have any questions please contact the LSM safety department, or your local safety representative.
Thank you,
Safety Department of Lovell Safety Management Co., LLC

Covid-19 Legislative Updates – June 15, 2021

Dear Group Member, 

Please find attached a summary of the recent updates from New York State and OSHA regarding Covid-19.  Also find attached an OSHA Fact Sheet detailing its new Emergency Temporary Standard for Healthcare workers.  


Thank you,


Safety Department of Lovell Safety Management Co., LLC


Covid-19 Compliance Updates

Dear Group Member:

Recently there have been a number of new guidance documents issued and legislation enacted regarding Covid-19 and the prevention of airborne infections.

Please review the attached for additional information.



Thank you,

Safety Department

Lovell Safety Management Co., LLC
