Entries by Lovell Safety Management

Bed Bugs!

From the CDC’s NIOSH Science blog (this is a seriously great information resource in general, by the way), an interesting article on bed bugs: …Bed bugs are not known to transmit disease, but they are a troublesome health nuisance. Their bites can cause mild to severe allergic reactions, and people living in infested homes have […]

Safety Groups #140 and #251 press release — dividends!

Lovell Safety Groups Earn Dividends Lovell Safety Management Co., LLC, announced the 2009 – 2010 dividend earnings of two of its Safety Groups:          New York Electrical Manufacturers, Safety Group #140                     New York State Movers and Warehousemen’s Association, Safety Group #251 Safety Group #140 returned to members a 30 percent dividend.  Qualifying members […]

Drive Safely Work Week

Happy Thursday!  In our ongoing effort to prevent employee injuries, we call to your attention to an excellent new program developed by the US Department of Transportation in partnership with The Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS.) 2011 “Drive Safely Work Week” – October 3-7. For a free downloadable toolkit, go to the NETS […]

Nail Gun Safety: A Guide for Construction Contractors

From the CDC, a terrific article on nail gun safety:  Nail guns are widely used on many construction jobs, especially in residential construction. While they boost productivity they may also cause tens of thousands of painful injuries each year. This publication is intended to provide a resource for residential home builders and construction contractors, subcontractors, […]

Summary of the Making Green Jobs Safe Workshop

The good folks at CDC NIOSH have a pdf summary of their Making Green Jobs Safe Workshop here. …The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), through the Prevention through Design Program, launched the Going Green: Safe and Healthy Jobs initiative to make sure that green jobs are good for workers by integrating worker […]

OSHA issues 2011 annual inspection plan for protecting workers in high-hazard workplaces

U.S. Department of Labor and OSHA issue 2011 annual inspection plan for protecting workers in high-hazard workplaces: The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration issued its annual inspection plan under the Site-Specific Targeting* 2011 (SST-11) program to help the agency direct enforcement resources to high-hazard workplaces where the highest rates of injuries and illnesses occur. […]

Horrible Bosses: Workplace violence in the real world

Such a great article here from the CDC and NIOSH’s Science blog about workplace violence. Horrible bosses. If you’ve had one, hopefully they were not as bad as those portrayed by Jennifer Aniston, Kevin Spacey, and Colin Farrell in the newly released movie of the same name. While the plot and characters are exaggerated and […]

Incorrectly refurbished circuit breakers: electrical hazard alert from US DOL

Here’s a very useful electrical hazard alert from the US Department of Labor: The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recently learned of a hazardous condition that may exist in certain molded-case circuit breakers modified by a third-party rebuilder. The breakers may have an actual rating of 600 volts AC (alternating current) (VAC) or less, […]

Happy Labor Day

Happy Labor Day weekend! Here is an interesting editorial from John Howard, M.D., Director, National Institute For Occupational Safety And Health (NIOSH): Statement On Labor Day 2011. A brief excerpt: …The changing dynamics of the work environment and the changing demographics of the work force pose similar concerns. Knowing that the health and safety needs of the […]